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The Beauty in the Ordinary

The Beauty in the Ordinary

A cool November day. A walk along the beach. A mist carried in the breeze from the splashing waves. The sounds of seagulls. The smell of the ocean. Wet sand in between my toes. Ahhhhh.....

Yes, I am a desert girl now, however I lived most of my life near the beach. I'm happy both places. Oh, and I like the mountains, too... actually, I'm happy anywhere in nature. Add my camera in my hand, and it's pretty much perfect.

After a year of constant travel and adventure in 2023, I experienced quieter adventures in 2024. More time at home, more time exploring old locations in new ways, and, of course, discovering some new places as well.

A few months ago, I started a project to sort, organize, and create portfolios from the thousands of photos taken over the past few years. It became a time of reflection as I started to delete a lot of photos, getting rid of those that were just OK. I started to see a pattern in the photos that made me stop and take a breath. The ones that touched me. Made the decision to keep only those. Painful decision. Sticking to it, I saw myself hitting the delete button much more than I had anticipated.

The photographs I loved the most were of the simplest things. Ordinary moments. Ordinary times with family and friends. A simple walk on the beach. Fun, unexpected surprises. Moments enjoyed that are experienced again and again every time I look at the photo.

I love simplicity and am always looking for more ways to simplify my life. To have the space for what I truly love, and to fully appreciate the gift of the life that I am living. Appreciating the beauty in the ordinary, everyday life around me, and sharing photos that capture it.

My focus will be on sharing the beauty of the ordinary. I hope you enjoy!

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